
Better management

Results highlights

Sustainable management of drylands involves recognising signs of impending shifts and adapting land use practices to prevent or mitigate them.

Principios y recomendaciones del proyecto CASCADE, con contribuciones de los usuarios y gestores del territorio

Please cite as: Schwilch, G., Jucker Riva, M. and Liniger, H. (2016) Comprehensive guidelines for natural resource managers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 7.3, 149 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

Αρχές και συστάσεις από το CASCADE με τη συμβολή τελικών χρηστών και διαχειριστών γης

Please cite as: Schwilch, G., Jucker Riva, M. and Liniger, H. (2016) Comprehensive guidelines for natural resource managers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 7.3, 149 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

Principi e raccomandazioni dal progetto CASCADE con il contributo degli utilizzatori e dei gestori del suolo

Please cite as: Schwilch, G., Jucker Riva, M. and Liniger, H. (2016) Comprehensive guidelines for natural resource managers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 7.3, 149 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

Princípios e recomendações para o projeto CASCADE, com os contributos dos utilizadores e gestores da terra

Please cite as: Schwilch, G., Jucker Riva, M. and Liniger, H. (2016) Comprehensive guidelines for natural resource managers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 7.3, 149 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

Feedback from stakeholders and policy makers about the sustainable land management guidelines, scenario analysis and key findings of the CASCADE project.

Please cite as: De Ita, C. et al. (2017) Report on multi-scale evaluation of CASCADE's management principles and grazing model scenarios with stakeholders and policy makers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 8.3. 69 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

For use in evaluation socio-ecological effectiveness of rangeland managment

Please cite as: Sietz, D and Fleskens, L. (2017) Expert survey on economics of land managment. in Sietz, D. et al. (2017) Report on integrated modelling strategy. CASCADE Project Deliverable 8.2 33 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

The conceptualisation of the socio-ecological effectiveness of land management and a five-step approach to modelling it.

Please cite as: Sietz, D. et al. (2017) Report on integrated modelling strategy. CASCADE Project Deliverable 8.2 33 pp Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

Practical guidelines for use by land managers in situations of land abandonment, forest fire and overgrazing.  

Please cite as: Schwilch, G. et al. (2016) Comprehensive guidelines for natural resource managers. CASCADE Project Deliverable 7.3, 149 pp. Available at: www.cascadis-project.eu/documents

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