
The CASCADiS website, its contents and the documents that can be downloaded from it are proprietary products of the integrated research project CASCADE (Catastrophic shifts in drylands: how can we prevent ecosystem degradation). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 283068 and is therefore protected by Copyright Law. The full ownership and all copyrights of all data, information and methodologies (including the text, images, audio and video files) contained in this website are reserved.

However, the ethos of the project is to disseminate information and promote further research about sustainable land management strategies in fragile arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Consequently, unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content and documents on the website for non-commercial purposes is permitted, free of charge, under the following conditions.

  • Users are required to acknowledge the relevant author/s and the CASCADE Project as a whole in all reference or publications that involve the use of CASCADE data, information or methodology.
  • If the use of data, information or methodology is extensive, users must offer CASCADE co-authorship of any proposed publication. CASCADE will have the right to accept this offer, allow the user to publish in his/her own right, or refuse permission to publish.
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